Legislative control is an important method to control the spread and proliferation of exotic invasive species. This encompasses regulation of interstate trade of exotic plant and animal species, ballast water regulation, and land use regulations.
For a complete list of Federal and State Laws regarding invasive species, click here.
On the National Level:
On February 3, 1999, Executive Order 13112 was signed establishing the National Invasive Species Council (Council). The Council is an inter-Departmental body that helps to coordinate and ensure complementary, cost-effective Federal activities regarding invasive species. Council members include the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, State, Treasury, Transportation, Defense, Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Together with the Invasive Species Advisory Committee, stakeholders, concerned members of the public, and member departments, the Council formulated an action plan for the nation. The Council issued the National Invasive Species Management Plan early in 2001 to provide an overall blueprint for Federal action. The Plan recommends specific action items to improve coordination, prevention, control and management of invasive species by the Federal agency members of the Council.
(Source Information taken from invasivespecies.gov)
On the State Level:
Louisiana State Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
Mark McElroy, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisherie
Following the Louisiana Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan Executive Briefing on May 29, 2002, Governor Foster issued Executive Order MJF 2002-11 on June 4, 2002. The Executive Order established a Task Force to construct and recommend an Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan for Louisiana during the coming year.
(Source Information taken from:
EPA/GOMP Invasive Species Focus Team Meeting Highlights, 2002.)
The Louisiana Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan is currently in its final drafting stages.